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Episode 102

Season 4 Kickoff

IT IS TIME! Season 4 of the Where to Stick It Podcast has begun, and that means it's time for Movie Challenge 4! This season the boys are mixing it up yet again.

Each man now brings in 6 movies, their standard 5 and 1 wild card. Wild card movies can be any movie regardless of who has seen it.

There will be no pre-defined list of movies. The boys will be going in blind-ish. Engineer Bob will be providing a YouTube playlist of 38 movie trailers to review. Not all of the movies will appear in Season 4, it's up to the guys to figure out whose movies are whose. If you'd like to follow along, check out the playlist on our YouTube Channel.

Additionally, Engineer Bob has slid in an unknown number of his own movies to further stump the boys. The "Bob's Gamble" will award a host 2 points if he guesses correctly, and -1 point if he guess incorrectly.

STICK IT Headquarters is getting stickier and trickier. Get ready for the best season yet.